2020-5-2 土

What’s UP JAPAN! 5/1 ONAIR

Hello world, we are still in lockdown in Japan but hopefully things will settle back down to the way it was someday soon.
Let’s talk about Kamakura a little more today.
There is a tram, called the Enoden, that goes from Fujisawa down the coast to Kamakura.
Some parts of the line goes along the beach and some times the tram actually goes down the middle of the street.
It is named after the island called Enoshima in Fujisawa.
There are fourteen stations on the line.  The tram is usually two or four cars. 
Here is a great homepage about the train. 
☆ [Gent’s boulangerie is a new product CROISSANT AUX AMANDES 🥐] CROISSANT AUX AMANDES (Tax excluded) will be released from 6th (Wednesday) on Saturday and Monday only 💖! You can enjoy freshly baked, softened when cooled, and reheated, and you can enjoy various things outside and inside. You can also add sour cream, shanti cream, or mascarpone if you like. We also support delivery. Please contact us 💁🏻♀️ ● How to accept orders Please place an order by phone or at the store by 11:00 am on the day of delivery. ● Amount of deliverable amount of 1,000 yen (excluding tax) or more ● Delivery area: Yuigahama 3-chome, Yuigahama 4-chome, Hase 2-chome ● Delivery time: We will inform you at the time of reservation ● Payment, cash payment, delivery fee is free ● Order reception 0467-22-1222
See you next week. 

WeBase encourages cultural exchange with those communities by promoting the original culture of all Japanese regions and the attractiveness of its communities to the world. We aim to create a real community that continuously makes young peoples’ worldwide travel fresh and exciting.


Brasserie Gent





Shonan BeachFM 789MHz     『What’s UP JAPAN!』Every Friday 14:00-16:00   and    Sunday 26:00-28:00 On the air(one more time)

I am waiting for your message.  ⇒ whatsup@beachfm.co.jp

Thank you!
